Masuk Daftar

anjing hutan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "anjing hutan"
  • anjing:    bet across the board; betted across the board;
  • hutan:    forest; woods; forests; jungle; wood; woodland;
  • anjing hutan berbulu tebal:    wolverin
  • anjing hutan mesir:    egyptian wolf
  • anjing hutan sardinia:    sardinian dhole
  • hutan:    forest; woods; forests; jungle; wood; woodland; timber; hobo camp; untamed; rainforest; frith; timberland; natural forest; wilderness; scrub; wild; the bush
  • anjing:    bet across the board; betted across the board; betting across the board; cub; dog; hound; pooch; dogs; canine; stinker; watchdog; she dog; so-and-so; domestic dog; stinkpot; canid; rat; scuzzball; k
  • anis hutan:    sunda thrush
  • api hutan:    forest fires
  • ayam hutan:    junglefowl; gallus; genus gallus; jungle fowl; partridge; bonasa umbellus; ruffed grouse; gallina; tinamou; fowl
  • babi hutan:    wild boar; boar; tusker; sus scrofa; wild pig; wild hog; peccary; warthog
  • babi-hutan:    boar
  • berhutan-hutan:    sylvan; sylvatic
  • bunga hutan:    wild flower
  • bunglon hutan:    gonocephalus chamaeleontinus; crimsonraptor|sandbox
  • Aren't people supposed to be scared of coyotes?
    Bukankah orang-orang yang seharusnya takut anjing hutan?
  • Probably got it even if it was a coyote.
    Mungkin juga begitu kalau itu memanglah anjing hutan..
  • The coyote will take you over the border.
    Anjing hutan akan membawamu melewati perbatasan.
  • Fuck you, man. It's like saying we're fucking hyenas.
    Sialan kau. ltu seperti mengaku kalau kita anjing hutan.
  • Got your message about the coyote.
    Nyonya W? Ada pesan untukmu soal anjing hutan.
  • Jeff, you should try it hyena style.
    Coba gaya anjing hutan. -Kami akan coba.
  • From there, you'll cross on foot with the coyotes.
    Dari sana, kau akan menyeberang berjalan kaki ditemani anjing hutan.
  • You hit...hyena poo-poo...into a hole?
    Kamu masukkan kotoran anjing hutan ke lubang?
  • Got your message about the coyote.
    Ada pesan untukmu soal anjing hutan.
  • I finished like a yellow dog."
    Aku akan melolong seperti anjing hutan."
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4